Students auditioning for CYSO are typically in grades 6-12. As a note, the majority of CYSO members have three or more years of experience.

Students auditioning for PSE are typically in grades 3-12. As a note, the majority of PSE members have two or more years of experience.

Students auditioning for ES are typically in grades 3-12. As a note, the majority of ES members have one or more years of experience.
We highly encourage students to supplement their academic-year music experience with a school music program and/or private lessons, if possible.
Students are to prepare one major scale and one minor scale as specified by instrument on the Audition Requirements by Instrument web page. Harpists and percussionists do not need to play scales.
Students are to prepare and polish the excerpts on the Audition Requirements by Instrument web page. For those auditioning for PSE or ES, please prepare excerpts #1 and #2. For those auditioning for CYSO, please prepare all four excerpts. Students will be expected to adhere to the tempo, articulation and dynamic markings as notated on each excerpt. Pianists do not need to prepare excerpts.
Students are to prepare 2-3 minutes of a short piece. Students should choose a piece reflective of their current musical ability. Judges will listen to at least 30 seconds of the student’s solo piece and may stop them early. Percussionists do not need to prepare a short piece.
Students auditioning for CYSO may also be given an orchestral passage to sightread.